Unlocking the power of neurodivergence: Embrace your sensory superpowers
With Rachel Radway
Stephanie, Mindy & I dove into the fascinating world of sensory experiences. We explored some of the strengths and superpowers that come with neurodivergence, as well as how we can all create more understanding and inclusive environments in our personal and professional lives.
“Woo” Women entrepreneurs’ collaborative member spotlight with host christene sismondo
What if the very thing that made you feel different was actually your superpower?
With Rachel Radway
A fun conversation with Christene Sismondo, founder of the Spiritual Women's Academy and the "Woo" Women Entrepreneurs' Collaborative, about what it means to be "wired differently." We talked about the superpowers and challenges that come with being neurodivergent, and about my upcoming book, Perceptive.
Mastering Balance:
Setting Boundaries in Relationships & Work
With Rachel Radway
As she mentions at the beginning of our conversation, Felicia Kashevaroff, CEO and co-founder of Tend Task, and I originally met through her research project, and realized there was a lot of potential synergy in our work. So I particularly enjoyed talking with her about the traits, challenges and superpowers of highly perceptive women leaders, how we tend to get in our own way, and the huge impact coaching can have for smart high-achievers.
Have You Been Labeled “Too Emotional?” It Might Be Your Superpower
With Rachel Radway
Among many, many things Archita, Olivia and I talked about in this lively conversation (complete with a few mic-drop moments), you’ll hear:
strategies for managing sensory overload
how to navigate extreme self-expectations
advice for women who always give 110% (and are exhausted)
Empathy-Driven Modern Leadership
With Rachel Radway
I so enjoyed joining Helena Goto on her podcast, “Resolutionary Leaders.”
Among other things, we talked about:
growing up wired differently
how being highly perceptive shows up in the workplace—the gifts & challenges
my G.R.I.T. Collaborative mastermind for highly perceptive women leaders
Unveil Your Brilliance with host Angilie Kapoor
Awakening Your Inner Sensory Superpowers
With Rachel Radway
Angilie and I had another lively conversation about high sensory perception on her show, “Unveil Your Brilliance.” We talked about what it means to see, feel, sense or simply know things others don’t, to be able to make connections that others aren’t, and to see several steps ahead. We covered the difference between introversion and this trait, what being an empath means, and a lot more.
Power to the People Pleasers with host Amy Ballantyne
Overcoming Extreme Self-Expectations
with Rachel Radway
Amy asks all her guests whether they’ve ever been people pleasers, and if so, how it’s shown up in their life. When she first asked me the question before we recorded, I struggled to respond—and that started the conversation that we continued on air. I never really focused on doing things to please others (or out of fear of displeasing them), but I’ve often had unreasonably high expectations of myself. Listen in for more.
Recipes for Success with host Heather Thompson
On Boundaries
with Rachel Radway
Heather’s current theme is the habits of highly successful women. She invited me on to talk about boundaries. Some of what we covered:
What are boundaries and why do they matter?
Saying no and aligning boundaries with your values/goals
Managing energy; FOMO and JOMO
The role of empathy in boundary setting
How to handle reactions to your boundaries with grace
Take the Lead: A Consciousness Movement with host Angilie Kapoor
Embracing Your Superpowers
with Rachel Radway
Angilie and I discovered in our pre-show conversation that we were both formerly leaders in the corporate world who didn’t know at the time about our high-sensory trait. Learning about the trait, the accompanying superpowers, and how to better manage the challenges that come with it all would have made things easier back then—which is why I’m so passionate about raising awareness and sharing what I know now.
Rediscovering Connection podcast with host Shelley Doyle
Thriving as a High Sensory Introvert in a Digital World,
with Rachel Radway
I really enjoyed talking with Shelley about both social and professional connection and community, how we connect in a geographically dispersed world, and necessary boundaries around digital connection, especially for those of us who are high-sensory, or introverts, or both!
Leading with Intention podcast with host Monique Daigneault
Why High Sensory Leaders Are So Valuable
with Rachel Radway
Monique and I had an in-depth conversation about high sensory perception, also known as sensory processing sensitivity or high sensitivity. We talked about the superpowers that all high-sensory leaders have, and how to deal with some of the challenges that come with the trait.
Speaking and Communicating podcast with host Roberta Ndlela
Communication and Organizational Culture
with Rachel Radway
I loved talking with Roberta — we had so much in common, including a love of languages, cultures, and helping people and teams communicate more effectively.
The Sparking Entrepreneur podcast with host Subrat Sahoo
Embrace Change FindYour Voice: Empowering Women Leaders
featuring Rachel Radway
A lively conversation about how I became a coach, what coaching means to me, what qualities are critical for a great coaching engagement and client success, and a lot more!
Beauty of Colors podcast with host Cleanne Johnson
Why Is Organizational Culture Important Today
with Rachel Radway
What organizational culture means (it’s more than you think!), why it’s so important for engagement and retention, and what leaders can do to intentionally develop a safe, inclusive culture.