A community of bright, talented, creative and perceptive women leaders who know they’re wired a little differently, are tired of feeling alone or misunderstood, and are ready to shift from striving to thriving.

You’re a badass.
You’re smart and successful, a high achiever, masterfully managing career, family, and enviable life with ease and grace...

Or, at least, that’s how you’d like to feel.
Maybe that’s how other people perceive you.

Your true self-image
may be a little different:

Maybe you’ve always felt … weird.
That your brain doesn’t work like others’.
That you’re alone.

So your self-confidence suffers.

And yet, you’re always striving for more. You care more than others seem to, and your natural empathy and conscientiousness mean that you feel responsible for everything and everyone. But giving 200% to everything and everyone but yourself takes a huge toll.

As a woman leader who’s wired a little differently, you might struggle with overthinking, overcommitting, and overstimulation/overwhelm, which wreaks havoc on your nervous system and prevents you from being the kind of leader/mom/partner/friend you want to be.

Picture a mother duck, paddling furiously below the surface to keep all her ducklings in line, while appearing from above to be in calm control. Sound familiar?

You’ve worked really hard, and all that work and sacrifice has gotten you where you are today.

But at what cost?

Are you truly where—and more importantly, who—you want to be?
Are you living the life you want to be living?
Are you healthy—mentally, emotionally, and physically?

Or are you on the fast-track to burnout?

Becoming a leader in the corporate world is no easy feat. It’s (still) harder for women.

And women like us, wired a little differently, face additional challenges.

Do any of these resonate?

  • You hate saying no, so your calendar’s packed with (self-imposed) obligations to everyone else and you get to your own work later, if ever. 

  • You overthink communication, second-guessing yourself and questioning other people’s intentions.

  • Afraid of saying the wrong thing, you routinely refrain from contributing your own, valuable opinion.

  • You have a hard time with self-advocacy, and self-care isn’t even on the table. 

  • You’re frustrated or embarrassed by showing emotions at work that you can’t hold back.

  • You have a vision for your organization and the impact it (and you) could make, but the politics of leadership turn you off and make you question whether you belong. 

  • You’ve resigned yourself to never being completely, authentically you in your professional role.

  • You’re overwhelmed, exhausted, and on the path to burnout—maybe not for the first time. 

Even with these struggles, here’s what I know about you:

Not only are you talented, creative, strong and super-smart—you’re also deeply intuitive and wise.

And while deep down you know that to be true, somewhere along the way, you relinquished your wisdom to fit in.

But wisdom is the anchor that grounds you. It helps you navigate the complexities of the world and put YOU in control of your life and work, rather than your sensitivities or differences. Reclaiming it is the key to the life you’re looking for.

Are you ready
to make some big changes and take your life back?

Introducing the
G.R.I.T. Collaborative:

A safe space where you can re-embody your innate wisdom with support from a small, private group of women leaders who are wired a little differently, done doing things the hard way, and ready to thrive, professionally and personally.

Over the next 8 months, you’ll learn how to manage your high sensory perception and embrace the true superpowers that come with it—your empathy, intuition, creativity, and more—so you can:

  • Regulate your emotions and respond more effectively to difficult or triggering situations.

  • Say no more often, set more boundaries, practice more self-care, and find more work/life harmony.

  • Show up powerfully and authentically in your professional life, with the tools to confidently navigate relationships, internal politics and competing demands.

  • Generate fresh ideas and motivation for creating safe, inclusive spaces for your own team and organization.

Together we’ll co-create an intimate community of perceptive women leaders: a completely safe space for the trust, vulnerability, and deeper connection that corporate workplaces and hectic lives don’t often allow.

You’ll receive support and guidance on topics and situations you’re struggling with, support your peers as they share, and form lasting relationships with other women who get what you’re going through.

The G.R.I.T. Collaborative is for you if:

  • You’re bright, accomplished, and self-aware, and understand the power of connection and community.

  • You’re ready to take back your wisdom and accept and acknowledge that your sensitivities and differences are gifts and not faults to hide or mask.

  • You have at least 12 years of professional experience and reached a senior level in your career.

  • You want to get out of your own way, stop hiding, and start shining your light without apology.

  • You want to show up consistently as your best self, for yourself and the people around you.


The next G.R.I.T. Collaborative cohort launches soon

with only 8 spaces available. Is one of them yours?

G.R.I.T. PLUS Program

  • Personal 1:1 onboarding call with Rachel

  • Two small-group Zoom calls per month

  • 8 one-hour 1:1 coaching sessions (one per month) with Rachel

  • Unlimited support by email, 10am-7pm PT Monday through Friday

  • Private Slack community for the group

  • Accountability pairs or pods (optional)

Just the G.R.I.T.

Not interested in monthly 1:1 coaching calls? Join the group-only option:

  • Personal 1:1 onboarding call with Rachel

  • Two small-group Zoom calls per month

  • Unlimited support by email, 10am-7pm PT Monday through Friday

  • Private Slack community for the group

  • Accountability pairs or pods (optional)

Your facilitator:

Rachel Radway is a certified executive coach and trained facilitator who loves working and connecting with smart, high-achieving women leaders. With 25+ years’ experience in corporate and a background in communications, content strategy, and design operations, among other disciplines, she’s held several director roles, built global teams at tech startups and Fortune 500s, and served as chair of a San Francisco arts education nonprofit board. 

Rachel knows your pain and challenges because she’s gone through them herself. She spent decades trying to fit into unhealthy environments, masking her gifts and ignoring her inner knowing, because she thought she had to. 

She learned the hard way, through endless job changes and career shifts, moves, and episodes of adrenal fatigue and burnout—one so severe that she quit her job, sold her home, and moved to rural Peru for a completely different perspective and time and space to heal.

Rachel’s always known her brain worked differently; she identifies as highly sensitive (per Elaine Aron’s work) —although she prefers the term high sensory perception to describe the trait (known to scientists as sensory processing sensitivity)—and a late-diagnosed ADHDer. Having lived in 9 countries and cultures, Rachel is passionate about all aspects of diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging, and wants to see neurodiversity recognized and celebrated. She’s currently writing a book, Perceptive (due out Summer 2025), on the topic.

Her mission is to help differently-wired women leaders learn to thrive personally and professionally—and create safe, inclusive spaces for their teams and organizations so everyone can thrive. 

Ready to start thriving?

The next G.R.I.T. hasn’t been scheduled yet.
Fill out this form to join the waitlist.